Plot: Home for the holidays, BFFs Naomi (Parrish) and Liz (Lamothe-Kipnes) reconnect with high school crush Chris Silver (Hynes). A complex love triangle forms, forcing them to take stock of their lives and find the value of friendship. SUNDAY, NOV. 5 The Santa Summit Cast: Hunter King...
it turns out the generational gap isn’t so big, after all. Both shows were filmed at the same high school, and get this — the school even has the same name. However, the two shows don’t
A bit of a brouhaha erupted earlier this week when TV presenter Kirstie Allsopp revealed that she had allowed her 15-year-old son and his 16-year-old friend to spend the school holidays inter-railing around Europe. In a post on X – formerly Twitter – she proudly announced: “My little...
“Combat” that came on every week until the star got killed by a chopper because he forgot to duck during taping of an episode. Vic Marrow was a good actor. Dad always said real heros never talked about their medals and the war. So when I came home from school one day and told him...
school went say once general upon war left every don't does got united number hand course water until away always public s something fact less though far put head think set called enough almost end took government night yet system better four told nothing eyes city president going present why...