(c)What happens to the speed of the reaction when(i) smaller pieces of zinc are used?goes faster /more hydrogen given off per minute /more gas given off per unit time /less time for same amount of gas...I per unit time / less time for same amount of gas_.. [1](ii) some ...
myreaction. Thenextmoment,therewerealotoffootstepscomingfromthedarkandIcouldhearsomeone callingmyname.Tomysurprise,afewsecondslatermyparentsappearedtogetherwithafewpeople whoweremyneighbors. 注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Paragraph1: Theyounglady...
Similarly, the brain groups faces by gender or social status at roughly the same speed (Ito & Urland, 2003). From an evolutionary perspective, it is understandable that there is the need for prompt recognition of us/them with respect to gender. We know that a fear emotional reaction is ...
Markhamalsohasamuchlowerrateofobesitythan otherCanadiancities.Now,it?sworkingtowardsanothergoal— 100%recyclingofunwantedtextiles. 8.Whatdoestheunderlinedword“one”inParagraph 1referto? A.Ashirt. B.Acity. C.Ahome. D.Acloset. 9.Whatdothevolunteersdowiththeunwantedclothing? A.Sellthemingoodcondition. ...
With what minimum reaction time will the car not hit the stopped truck when this car runs at speed of 120 km/h and driver sees the stopped truck at distance of 200 meters far. The grade of roadway is zero and the coefficient of forward friction is . What will happen if the distance ...
What sort of reaction happens when a hydrogen-2 atom and a hydrogen-3 atom are converted to a helium-4 atom? a. fission b. fusion c. ionic d. chemical Nuclear Reaction: The reactions during which the collisions oc...
Probability Sampling 8 min read Sampling Non-Probability sampling 17 min read Sampling Stratified Random Sampling 12 min read Sampling Simple Random Sampling 9 min read SEE MORE Popular Use Cases Survey Software Customer Experience Management Employee Experience Management ...
Enzymes are a special group of proteins that are responsible for lowering the activation energy necessary to start a chemical reaction. This allows the reaction to proceed much more quickly. Proteins have unique three-dimensional structures that determine their function....
coordination(协调),slowing down reaction time and greatly increasing the risk of accidents. Even below the drink driving limit, driving will be affected. Alcohol may take a few minutes to be absorbed into the bloodstream and start action on the brain. Absorption rate is increased when drinking ...
Does static friction accelerate the center of mass? How can you determine friction force? Why is the coefficient of kinetic friction less than static friction? Are car wheels under static friction? Is friction a constant force? What increases friction? As the normal reaction force increases, what...