When I try launching PvZ through the EA app, it opens an Origin window and requires a product key to enter. When I click on 'Enter product key' it loads and fails. Clicking 'Retry' does nothing. I have reinstalled the game, verified game files and also tried th...
I was hesitant enough of trying PvZ on mobile I quite enjoyed mobile PvZ (specifically zzZSunset version) and PvZ2 and still do to this day, however PvZ is way different from DS. DS isn't a slow/fast paced tower defense, it is a survival game, and the current constraints of the ...
分享283 兽人吧 背着导弹的鳄鱼 一个随便写出来的没有什么意义的小故事偶尔情绪发作的时候用作宣泄的产物,也许大概是想讲一个治愈的故事 委托图镇楼(画师:锐锐狗) 分享5411 f1吧 SVJ♬ 老萌新求解,speak after是什么意思还有***charlie,ridiculous,where does he want to go, ***sake, 这些都啥意思啊 分...
$ adb shell am start -n"flutter2.flutter_app2/flutter2.flutter_app2.MainActivity"-a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER Waitingforprocess to come online... Connected to process 21093 on device'oppo-padm00-MJPVZL9THY7SAALR'. Capturing and displaying logcat messages...
These are both generally solo pursuits (although a lot of my time programming does include talking through design decisions, etc. with co-workers and stakeholders), but that doesn't seem to matter as far as beign "extroverted". I do gain energy when I'm working with others or showing off...