Perihelion is the point at which an orbiting body is closest to the sun. The word comes from Greek and literally means around (peri) the sun (helios).
What Are Perihelion and Aphelion? When Do They Occur? Broad Definition: A supermoon isa new or full moon that occurs when the Moon is near perigee(the point in the Moon’s orbit where it is closest to Earth). By this definition, there can be several supermoons in a year. The term, ...
In fact, Earth reaches its closest point to the Sun, called perihelion, in January, and its farthest point, known as aphelion, in July. Despite the summer solstice marking the longest day of the year, it is not typically the hottest day (apologies to those currently in the throes of a ...
Mars and Earth become closest to each other only over the long-term. For instance, every 15 or 17 years, an opposition will occur within a few weeks of Mars' perihelion. When it happens while the Mars is closest to