The nostalgia factor is very
We've played literally hundreds of other games with this networking configuration, and have played Minecraft for dozens of hours via this networking configuration over many years". This does appear to be a regression in the game and not a network troubleshooting issue. – Context:After providing ...
how the most interesting parts of the story happen in flashbacks again, and how most of the boss fights aren’t particularly exciting. But for every one of those flaws, there are so many other aspects that make them easy to look over. Even one of my...
Santa just does his thing and moves on. I can respect that. Best Way To Know For Sure? Use A Santa Tracker. The best way to know for sure how close you're cutting it with your bedtime is to use a Santa tracker. There are several on the internet you can use to keep track of ...
This year’s broadcast was, compared to the last decade or so, smoother, and, I think, better than it usually is. Almost everything you’d expect to happen more or less happened. The surprises were minimal and, in retrospect, make sense.All Quiet on the Western Frontwon a bunch of (...
charge if they had an innovation that made the products cheaper they would keep half the profits for R&D and to pass money on to the share holders and the other half they passed on to the consumers in the form of cheaper products and now in the Tim Cook era that doesn...
It could happen. More likely we'll get an additional look at Bandai Namco's upcoming Tales of Arise and Scarlet Nexus. More summer gaming events Most of the summer gaming events are concentrated from June 10 - June 13, but that's not all of them. Here's what else is coming through...
Interestingly this tag does not get a power increase when using the tag power. I suspect that's because, as we'll be seeing shortly, the effect of Airborne Assault followed by Merchant Union is enough to permanently dominate the rest of any battle. Side note: There's perhaps a general ...
Allow the Hardware talk to the Interface Software (OpenGL / Vulkan / Direct3D) so that the commands a Developer uses DOES what it's suppose to. While sure., it's the communication layer between the Graphics Interface and Hardware... so yes, there is the potential to...
But so what? How does this change the game? Well, first of all... Long-term support can actually pay off! Under the Long Tail, the post-release sales strategy is to abandon your game. Give it just enough post-launch support while it's still selling strong, then move on to your nex...