Canteen Lunch in the Alley Canteen Lunch in the Alleywas originally opened in 1927, but moved to its current location in Ottumwa in 1936. Known for its loose meat sandwiches, the tiny restaurant is one of the oldest eateries in the state of Iowa! Country Kitchen Cafe by Country Kitchen, F...
Being waited on is a service, so if you don't want to tip, go to McDonalds or a buffet. If you get normal service, you should tip at least 15 percent, above average 20 percent. If you get poor service you let the waiter know by leaving 5-10 percent. Even though it was poor se...
I stopped craving food at this point. I felt fantastic. I sat at a work outing and didn’t care that I wasn’t eating the delicious guacamole that everyone was passing around. I would watch people leave for lunch breaks and chortle to myself while I got an hour of extra work done an...
The work load is reliant on the timing of the trucks to arrive. During the Summer and Fall the trucks generally arrive on time, but once the snow starts falling, truck arrivals become quite random. On this day, we had to split up our lunch break into four separate sessions. After a sl...