So i just went in there and there was a game from EU LCS Summer happening at the moment, was Fnatic vs Schalke 04 in the finals. I instantly fell in love with the team 3 upvotes Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 09/03/2024 Loading...2020, i was 12 y/o and cobid was up so after ...
Pr0lly was confident after 100 Thieves swept FlyQuest in the Quarterfinals of the 2018 NA LCS Summer Split. He spoke calmly as we discussed what the team went through during all the meta shifts and roster changes. Pr0lly also spoke h...
Although FlyQuest didn’t make too good of a result during the previous Split, they solidified their image within the fandom of the NA LCS: the veteran team with the best brainy players of NA. With the remarkable shotcaller Hai, and the maestro of picks & bans, Lemonnation, ...