City Hunter, based on the manga by Tsukasa Hojo, is the latest anime and manga adaptation coming to Netflix. Here's when you can watch the new film.
Streep has astoundingly only taken home three of her record-setting, 21 Academy Award nominations, but that does not take anything away from her list of other-worldly performances: "Out of Africa," "The Devil Wears Prada," "Doubt," "Sophie's Choice," "The Deer Hunter"...the list just...
In only a few short years Jay Z has been telling people he is worth $2.6 billion, but does not have the assets to back it up. Jay Z has debt ridden, low revenue companies he and his publicists try to create hype around. However, his projects have been failing left, right and ...
When I fall out of love with my work it seems like there are so many other interesting things I could be doing. An interesting documentary on Netflix, an audiobook I just downloaded. Even doing the dishes seems more interesting (no matter how much they glare at me). As Steve Jobs said...