while focusing on the role of good CSR, this study does not cover the role of bad CSR or firm irresponsible social actions toward primary and secondary stakeholders in the face of negative events. While it
Harvard Business Review, 92(9), 46–55. Google Scholar Leber, R. (2014). While BP stalled on gulf oil spill payments, CEO’s pay tripled last year. https://thinkprogress.org/while-bp-stalled-on-gulf-oil-spill-payments-ceos-pay-tripled-last-year-37efefcdf6f/. Lim, W. S., & ...
Because all the madness was going on around dot coms, and some of the things. We actually did that. We did everything. We carved it out. You mentioned Boston. We got an investment, $27.5 million, from two VCs in Boston,in Highland, two great VCs, a bunch of Harvard folks that we...
The Harvard Medical School News Review revealed a link for women between estrogen, diabetes, and dementia. Women with high levels of estrogen could be more likely to develop dementia including those who have gone through menopause. For this reason, doctors are now less likely to prescribe hormone...
9.Whatdoestheunderlinedword”perils”inParagraph3mostprobablymean? A.Dangers. B.Self-drivingcars. C.Pedestrians. D.Human-drivencars. 10.Inwhichaspectcanself-drivingcarsbeathuman-drivencars? A.Drivingsteadily. B.Climbingsteepslopes. C.Evaluatingthecostofloss. D.Makingcomplexdecisions. 11.Whereisthete...
The impact of implicit bias and gender stereotypes on hiring, promotion, and tenure decisions in law schools. The impact on career advancement and earning potential (or “motherhood tax”) for professional women due to parenting and/or caretaking responsibilities. ...
An online survey conducted by Harvard Business Review found that 38 percent of respondents reported having a mental health issue, with anxiety and depression being the most commonly reported. Additionally, research has also suggested that executives may be more likely to have certain personality traits...
Every day, state common law courts define the duty of care in negligence law. There is no formula for how courts should determine duty. Yet when judges are charged with important decisions about whether to open or shut the courthouse doors to whole categ
In 1890, future Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis took the first step in advocating for privacy protection when he co-authored an article with colleague Samuel Warren in the Harvard Law Review advocating “the right to be let alone.” The two argued that t...
many highly successful people never attended harvard or yale. make exercise part of your daily routine. it will help you cope with your own anxieties and provide a good model for your kids. sometimes anxiety is unavoidable. but it doesn't have to ruin your life. 21. the author thinks ...