Fromanearlyage,Aralovedwatchingthecowsinthegreenfieldsinhervillageeveryday.Whenshewasten,sheaskedherparentsiftheycould 1 acow.Herfatherthoughtitwouldtakemuchworkandsuggestedlearningaboutcowsfromthe 2 inthecommunityfirst.Thefirstfarmtheyvisitedwasfantastic,whichsmelledfresh,likeplantsandrain.Thecowsweremunching(...
Located at Sancoale, Goa, ZIOL's greenfield tank can transport cargo from the Port to the storage facility through a 14 kms pipeline and has a storage capacity of 71,000 KL. It is also equipped with the latest state-of-the-art control systems with a centralised control room, backed by...
s idea developed from a small idea into a(D)hugeidea that finally became Disneyland.The idea for the park was alsoinspired(使产生灵感)by other famous them parks of the time,such as the Children’s Fairyland in Oakland,CA,Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen,Denmark and Greenfield Village in ...