Although it was once observed primarily by Catholics, many other faiths such as Lutherans and Anglicans observe Ash Wednesday as well. Why Does the Date for Ash Wednesday Change Every Year? Unlike fixed holidays like Christmas, Ash Wednesday's date varies annually due to the changing date of...
In the Roman Catholic Church, Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting. In the sixth century, Christians who had committed grave faults were obliged to do public penance. On Ash Wednesday, they donned a hair shirt (which they wore for 40 days), and the local bishop blessed them and sprinkled t...
For these powerful reasons, the blessing of our religion should not be, nor can it be, something pretended. Those who try to pass themselves off as good Catholics cannot be hidden without (medicinal) punishment occasioned by their contumacious behavior. Such punishment is meted out for the ...
Who does that to the children of a deceased school friend? Seeing my dads getting kicked in the ass posthumously is certainly less shocking after a few times, but does start to grate. But in the end it’s a lesson: Don’t make these stupid deals because you think someone is your frien...