Where in the cell does DNA replication take place? Where does DNA replication begin? During the cell cycle, when is DNA replicated? When does DNA replication occur in the somatic cell cycle? Where does DNA replication take place in a eukaryotic cell?
When does DNA replication occur in meiosis? When human somatic cells undergo mitosis are diploid cells made? Where in somatic cells does mitosis occur? When do cells undergo mitosis in humans? When do centrosomes replicate in meiosis? When does DNA synthesis occur in meiosis?
In cells, DNA and its associated material replicate at regular intervals, a process essential to all living organisms. This contributes to everything from how the body responds to disease to hair color. DNA replication was identified in the late 1950s, but since then researchers across the globe...
During cell division, the chromosomes first replicate so that each daughter cell receives a complete set of chromosomes. Following DNA replication, the chromosome consists of two identical structures calledsister chromatids, which are joined at the centromere. Why does DNA need to replicate before cel...
but they want their shape to win. They want their shape to persist. And that is the key. If we can somehow encourage these molecules to talk to each other and make the right shapes and compete, they will start to form cells that will replicate and compete, If we manage to do that,...
Blood- stage parasites replicate cyclically and are mostly asexual, although a small fraction of these convert into male and female sexual forms (gametocytes) in each reproductive cycle. Despite many years of investigation, the molecular processes that elicit sexual differentiation have remained largely ...
Because the primary analysis involves the estimation of a rate with a 95% confidence interval, this does not substantially affect the interpretation. In addition, although there was a moderate degree of dropout of study participants, the reasons for dropout do not suggest that those who dropped ...
In a strange way, determination of\nthe initial number turns out to be completely possible if the initial rate $v$\nis one, i.e all DNA strands replicate, but only partly so when $v<1$, and thus\nthe initial rate or probability of successful replication is lower than one.\nThen, ...
No matter the shape, all viruses consist of genetic material (DNA or RNA) and have an outer protein shell, known as a capsid. There are two processes used by viruses to replicate: the lytic cycle and lysogenic cycle. Some viruses reproduce using both methods, while others only use the lyt...
this approach does present some concern with PacBio sequencing being highly error prone in regards to indels and SNPs. However, given the short sequences of the target amplicons, we were able to generate circular consensus sequencing (CCS) reads, increasing the confidence in the accuracy of the...