Deer hunters' risk is greatest on opener; Deer hunting is relatively safe. But when Minnesota's season begins Saturday, injuries and even some deaths are likely to occur. Most hunters will congregate in the north, but hunters in the south face greater risks.(NEWS)...
The amount of daylight and the season dictate when male white-tailed deershed and grow their antlers. They slowly begin to grow antlers in the springtime, with the growth rate rapidly increasing as summer arrives. Older bucks can grow as much as two inches of antler each week in the summer!
There's a thrill in hunting,an excitement that comes over you when a deer crashes out of the bush.You are waiting for him with death.After hunting,you also feel great.There's the bit of showing off with the boys—the fine horns of the deer hung high upon the wal...
The Cree names of Cold Moon and Frost Exploding Moon refer to the frigid temperatures of this season, as does the Algonquin name of Freeze Up Moon. The Dakota names of Severe Moon and Hard Moon refer to the extreme cold and hard times of this season, as well as the fact that the snow...
Bonus: This breed does not shed, allowing it to be tolerated by many people with pet allergies. #41. Keeshond (tie) Terri Brown // Wikimedia Commons #41. Keeshond (tie) - Average life span: 13 years - Popularity rank: 90 The keeshond's temperament is friendly, lively, and outgoing....
When Arlo does the same, dozens of gophers fly out of their holes at once, and then slowly begin to attack Arlo. His slow yet dramatic realization was perfect comic timing in my opinion.Immediately afterwards, we see Arlo fearful of another storm, this time with Spot prese...
For the human visitors, it really does take a lot of walking uphill and downhill to get around and see them all. The enclosures are full of bushes, trees and natural vegetation, so you have to peer mindfully in stillness, until your eyes are tuned in to little movements that are not ...
Spring really does arrive. I can't begin to figure out how the ancient Chinese could create a system for the millennia hat would almost always accurately predict when the season would shift year after year after year. But they did.1. What did the author think of spring as a child? A....
The leaves might be turning and the weather getting chilly in North America during the month of October, but there’s plenty of sunshine, warmth, and adventures to be had in Belize during October. The weather does actually cool down in Belize during October, but that’s a good thing! The...
I really enjoy hunting! Deer, turkey, pheasant, small game…anything to get out into the woods –away from the things of man!!!I’m not very good at it; I just enjoy it. The truth is, my wife would be a better hunter. She can go for a 3 mile run on a busy city street and...