A DDS is correctly created / running, but when trying to update, "Something Went wrong" error message occurs.On the log, the only information I have is: Received request POST /api/v2.0/DataSources/Model.GetQueryFields| RequestID = s_d6554622-c465-49c0-bc2a-f88c2b609da22021-...
It’s easy to confuse dental savings plans (also known as dental discount plans) with dental insurance, but they’re very different. Whether insurance or a discount plan -- or some combination of the two -- is right for you will depend on how much dental work you and your family get p...
While it’s true that the soap may be harder and drier more quickly, the other processes probably aren’t sped up that much by using a water discount. So, yes, it could theoretically make a better bar of soap more quickly. I think it’s safe to assume, though, that even water-disc...