Research Question 1: Does self-assessment accuracy at the end of the initial problem-solving phase (i.e., Stage 3), where learners need to be aware whether they have already understood the rationale behind the solution procedure, depend on whether learners were prompted to infer their self-ass...
Aβ does not directly cause neurodegeneration The amyloid theory, which has been the mainstream explanation of AD pathogenesis, proposed originally that amyloid plaques and their major constituents, the Aβ fibrils, are the direct cause of progressive neurodegeneration in AD. However, multiple studies ...
advanced glycation end products (RAGE), which transports Aβ from the blood into the brain across the BBB [31], and therefore may increase Aβ deposition in the brain [32,33]. Second, different studies have indicated that peripheral immune cells, belonging to either the innate or the adaptiv...
If the answer does not come from the government, it will have to come from the private sector. For example, carbon credits have been proposed as a way to make visible and exchange environmental services. For mangrove ecosystems, these are known as blue carbon credits, and they are related ...
He does not have many of memories of him. Astrid tell him he should try to remember the feeling of loving him and they have photographs and movies which they watch. 3.3. Function and Meaning of the Photographs During the interview Astrid Barten, her daughter Bente and I looked at the ...