Innovation is a key leadership competency. An innovative leader has the: Skills to generate creative ideas Knowledge of market trends Behavior of taking calculated risks to bring these ideas to fruition What does it mean to be a “great leader?” A great leader in one organization might not be...
If you’ve built up your savings over the years, you may not want a mortgage, preferring to buy a house outright. If you’re over 60 and buying a house, you may second-guess making such a commitment. Whether it's your first home or your 10th, unless you’re buying th...
Another viable and highly doable option, however, it does come with some warning. If you and your family are on a tight budget in general, or you like to keep your food budget around the $100-mark per week, properly following and thriving on the ketogenic diet can be difficult. For one...
It's hard being a working mom when you really want to stay at home with your kids. Here's encouragement for all you working moms out there!
Living in Idaho, it’s easy to sit back and laugh as people in the Midwest and parts of the South panic over the inevitable arrival of “trillions” of cicadas.
transgender youth, as well as care and concern for their wellbeing. Nonetheless, many participants retained frames of understanding that relied on trans people as Other and that situated their roles as allies through the frameworks of protection and care. We argue that these understandings of ...