In my survey of the abortion debate, the question of whether a zygote, embryo or fetus is alive is one of the most crucial. Frequently those who are pro-life argue, as Rubio did, that science is clear on this issue. Human life begins at conception. The pro-choice folks then question ...
A pregnancy is considered non-viable when there is little to no chance that the fetus will develop until, and survive after, birth. Generally speaking all ectopic pregnancies are non-viable and may present a serious health risk to the mother....
Catlin A, Volat D: When the fetus is alive but the mother is not: critical care somatic support as an accepted model of care in the twenty first century? Crit Care Nurs Clin N Am 2009, 21: 267–276.Catlin and Volat, "When the Fetus is Alive but the Mother is Not: Critical Care ...
This account turns out not to support a whole-brain definition of death, but it does succeed in explaining why an organism can be dead when some of its parts are still alive. The problem with this account, however, is that it does not explain how much integration is required, and ...
Does hearing the placenta mean baby is OK? If you only hear the placental sound with the mother's rate it does not tell you that the fetus is still alive. If you hear the placental sounds at the fetal rate (differentiated by checking the mother's pulse at the same time as listening)...
In their paper, they argue "The moral status of an infant is equivalent to that of a fetus in the sense that both lack those properties that justify the attribution of a right to life to an individual."Several death threats have been leveled against the scientists, although it's hard to...
. She is alive but does not speak, instead growls like an animal. The woman represents an exaggerated male teen wish fulfillment; her status as a ‘deadgirl’ also functions figuratively as the state many women eventually become in conventional horror films. Rickie feels pain for the woman ...
“getting” the feelings from my father, but if so, I “got” them a long time ago. I’ve spent most of my life being afraid that I would get MS too, or that I would become an alcoholic. Anything, I think, not to acknowledge my true legacy from him, an exquisite sensitivity to...