The company plans to use the cash value to pay premiums until you die. ... The company could require you to resume paying premiums, or reduce the amount of the death benefit to an amount that the remaining cash value will support. What happens when an endowment policy matures? Whenthe pl...
We’re making enough money each month and we never ever need to make more than this.Does that ever happen? I wish it did, but something tells me it doesn’t. After all, have you ever heard someone say, “I’m pretty satisfied with my income. I don’t need to get a promotion or...
She is hanging out with a loser who I think is paying for them! She is beautiful and has gorgeous skin! My husband and I are sick about it and makes us embarrassed for our friends and family to see her! I know my daughter is upset too but just try’s to laugh it off! How can...
Self-employment (SE) is a growing precarious work arrangement internationally. In the current digital age, SE appears in configurations and contours that differ from the labor market of 50 years ago and is part of a ‘paradigm shift’ from manufacturing/