The exact words of the Oath of Office are: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Franklin Pierce, in 1853...
So,howdoyoufindaworkoutpartner? Firstofall,decidewhatyouwantfromthat person. 12 Ordoyoujustwanttobephysicallyfit,abletomovewithstrengthandflexibility? Thinkabouttheexercisesyouwouldliketo dowithyourworkoutpartner. Youmightthinkaboutpostingwhatyouare lookingforonsocialmedia,butitprobablywon?t resultinauseful...
You don’t have to do everything together all of the time, but find things you do enjoy doing together – not things you have to do like the dishes or laundry but things like going to the library and browsing aspirational reading and viewing or occasional trips to a thrift shop. Yes, ...
Since we currently have so many problems defining and counting case numbers, it will be a few days before we can consistently interpret the Reff for each state and territory again. 3. Percentage of positive tests This is the percentage of positive tests out of all COVID-19 tests taken. It...
You can choose other content. Thanks for your understanding. When The Kids Go To Sleep Intro Theme Song 306/1000 video 1 Billie Jean (Michael Jackson Live Acoustic Cover) Tyler Ward, Ahmir, Cobus On Drums 2 Titanium (David Guetta Cover) MattyB, Madilyn Bailey, Jake Coco 3 #beautiful...
The coffee and covid gent has the right idea: White mutiny all the way.crossovercreativechaos says: August 19, 2024 at 9:16 pm Though being all too familiar with psyops and manipulation means I need to start looking for another job. At the moment they’re probably not going to fire...
Similarly,or much more seriously a Gandhi statue was vandalised in Payyannur during the CPM protest a few days back. Leader of the Opposition VD Satheeshan raised his concern and alleged that the CPI (M)’s action even without respecting Gandhiji was a destructive and...
We’ll also have time for some Q and a after, but I know you’ve prepared some slides, but maybe before we get into it, do you want to introduce yourselves a little bit more and then start? Yes, absolutely. So my name is Meghla Parthwaj and I’ve been in the Asia sourcing ...
Rejection in Samaria - Now when the days drew near for him to be taken up, Jesus set out resolutely to go to Jerusalem. He sent messengers on ahead
Are you battling popcorn brain? Here's how to deal 6 reasons why women may get chin hair (no biggie!) "I tried a sound bath for my anxiety" The Traitors' Elen shares endometriosis diagnosis Here's what your bum spots could mean