Taking as a model Kessler and McKenna’s Overlay Study, we administered to 592 adults 120 new digital stimuli elaborated on realistic frontal images of human nudes to verify if the previously obtained results would be confirmed by using more realistic images. We found that the participants attribut...
She showed these scenarios to male and female subjects and then asked them how sexist the man was based on certain criteria (how likely do you think he’d be to assault a female partner? How likely do you think he’d be to deny a woman a promotion based on her sex?). She found t...
When do humans biologically become adults? When does the exponential growth of a population stop? When is genetic drift a major factor in evolution? When is gene flow the strongest evolutionary agent? When is genetic drift most likely to occur? When is genetic drift least likely to occur?
Depressed kids--who may be biologically more vulnerable than others to environmental stress—feel almost constantly miserable and enjoy very little. But depression isn't always expressed as sadness. The teen may be irritable or complain of headaches or stomach pains instead of describing a bad moo...
At this age, children are often young enough to be willing to learn this new skill without power struggles, but old enough for their bodies to have developed biologically. Of course, for children who were born early, or who have developmental delays/disabilities, please go by their adjusted ...
When the Beatles sang, “Will you still need me? Will you still feed me?” they were singing about “… when I’m 64.” If college-educated young adults now are having their children mainly between ages 35 and 40, and their children do the same, they will enjoy no grandchildre...
have to take off her clothes for the doctor, she freaks out and feigns illness to go home early. She uses the computer to find out what is really happening with her, and learns about the Guevedoces. Biologically, she is actually a guy. ...
The research shows that interaction with micro-biologically diverse dirt and plants can improve health. This may be staggering to those who believe that all germs(细菌)are bad. As soil is one of the most biodiverse things on the planet, adults and children alike should be getting dirty and ...
First, cat parents should understand that felines are crepuscular, meaning they are biologically wired to be up most of the night while everyone else is asleep. So, a cat that disrespects your sleeping schedule could be bored while you are asleep, wondering when you will wake up. ...
it is important to emphasize that even though periods later in the morning and earlier in the afternoon would similarly be thermobiologically suitable forV. graecafor sunbathing, the activity peaks are shifted earlier in the morning and later in the afternoon that could be expected based on temper...