Similarly, Germans describe keys (Schlussel) with words such as hard, heavy, jagged, and metal, while to Spaniards keys (llaves) are golden, intricate, pttle, and lovely. Guess which language construes key as mascupne and which as feminine Grammatical gender also shapes how we construe ...
阅读文章.了解其大意.然后选择正确选项填空.Tom was crossing the road the other day when he saw a red car coming in the distance. He thought the car would 1 , as the lights had turned red. 2 , the car was going too 3 and Tom soon 4 that it
At roughly this time, Spaniards switch from drinking wines or beers to spirit-based drinks such as agin & tonic, a mojito, a rum and cokeor one of the many local specialities such as aPacharanin the Basque Country. This often co-incides with a change of location away from the foodie b...