greater sage‐grouseendangered species actanthropogenic allee effecthunter surveyhuntingmotivationsrarityAs a hunted species becomes increasingly rare, the effort required to locate and harvest an individual tends to increase. As rarity increases, governmental oversight, including changes in hunting regulations...
Sage grouse avoid areas where there are as few as one or two conifers per acre, even when the sagebrush understory is intact and dominant. Conifers provide more perch sites for avian predators such as golden eagles that prey on adults and ravens that prey on eggs. Previous research has sho...
extraordinary, This guy knows his food and wine, he dined everywhere and drank anything, he has good palate and nose, I can not surprise him, but I will do my best… after all, this is a meal for only 5 diners, (shame I have to work late that day and will have only an hour an...
In 2010, the US Fish and Wildlife Service designated greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; sage-grouse) as a candidate for listing under the ESA...Animal ConservationMark W. BrunsonM R GutteryT A MessmerJ D RobinsonD K Dahlgren...