D.Thisgianttreehasuniquebiodiversity. ( )7.Whatdoweknowaboutthesurveyofthistree? A.Thestaffclimbedthetreewiththehelpofnails. B.Morethanthreepeoplehaveclimbedtothetopofthetree. C.Theresearchteamdidnotdoanythingtodamagethetree. D.Thememberswhoparticipateintreeclimbingareespeciallyafraid. ( )8.Whichwords...
2. When do I need a Transcript of Records? A Transcript of Records is necessary when you are applying for a new academic programme, especially if you're transferring between universities or applying to an international institution. It's also required when participating in study abroad ...
if your student is just as likely to be found neck-deep in an online multiplayer game like fortnite, or overwatch, as s/he is to be working on their physics phd dissertation, you should probably be looking at a laptop that can keep up. a laptop with the latest 10th generation intel ...
Furthermore, always make sure you do not give the impression that your Cover Letter is a ‘one-for-all’ that has been used for multiple applications. Talk about why you are interested in working not only in the field you have applied for but for that employer in particular. Try to find...
Data breaches do not always occur as a result of adversaries’ actions. Quite often, information can be compromised by internal actors. Medical organisations gather, process, and share a plethora of sensitive data and therefore have to pay the utmost attention to the safety of information they ...
By the time you get to the viva, none of these things really matter – the study is finished, and your PhD has been submitted, read, and reviewed. So if you are asked a question where you could potentially answer in a positive way, choose that as your option. The examiners do not ...
Galagate, D. Causal Inference with a Continuous Treatment and Outcome: Alternative Estimators for Parametric Dose-Response function with Applications. PhD thesis, 2016. Hirano K and Imbens GW. The propensity score with continuous treatments. In: Gelman A and Meng XL (eds) Applied bayesian modeling...
After my PhD, I worked in two large companies, and then, I joined [name of the parent company]. This company was very innovative back in time, which was the first reason I was attracted to them. However, I also learned how to bring innovation to the market while working there and thr...
The next call for applications to be part of Homeward Bound will be open in March here. Please do feel free to get in touch with me if you are considering applying; it has been an incredibly empowering experience for me which I would wholeheartedly recommend. I’m grateful that I had th...
open mind and open ears. New findings are continually coming out about interdisciplinary teams and diversity as we continue to tackle the world’s grand challenges. By keeping yourself open and flexible in your inquiries and interactions with participants, we can continue to discover things we may...