Poliois a disease that used to paralyze more than 25,000 people each year before the polio vaccine was invented. Now children are vaccinated against it at 2 months, 4 months, between 6 and 18 months, and between 4 and 6 years. MMRis another combo vaccine that protects against measles, m...
Table of Hep A,B/Flu Vaccine Diphheria/Tetanus/WhoopingCough Seasonal/Polio/Chickenpox MMR Pneumonoccal-13 Rotavirus/HPV/Meningococcal More Information Guide Why Are Childhood Vaccinations Important? Parents should consult their doctors about which vaccines their children should have and when. Vaccina...
my page seemed to be flooded with angry people- people calling other people “Sheeple” and “Idiots”, people angrily protesting masks- swearing that it will damage their children, fighting about a vaccine that was designed to save lives and has somehow become a political war, calling...