【题目】A Whenshewasjust 9 yearsold, KatieStaglianopla ntedacabbageseed(卷心菜种子 ) inagardenout sideherhouse. Shecaredforiteverydaybywateringi t, weedingitandgivingitplantfood. ItgrewtobeHU GE! Fortypoundshuge!Katiewantedtodosomethingspecialwiththisveryspe cialcabbage. Withhermom'shelp, she...
She cared for it every day by watering 词汇it, weeding (除草) it and giving it plant food. It grew to be HUGE! Forty pounds 1. care for huge!Katie wanted to do something special with this very special cabbage. With 2. want to do sth.her mum's help, she decided to donate it to...
When she was just 9 years old, Katie Stagliano planted a cabbage seed(卷心菜种子)in a garden outside her house. She cared for it every day by watering it, weeding it and giving it plant food. It grew to be HUGE!Forty pounds huge! Katie wanted to do something special with this very ...
When it's extremely cold outside, all we want to do is be inside! It's the same thing for our pets. When temperatures are dropping, the best thing to do is to bring your pets indoors. Local veterinarians ask that anyone who has outdoor pets to bring them inside when temperatures dro...
When to plant: 1 to 2 weeks after last frost Color Code: Blue = Tender; White = Very Tender. Warmer zones will find they can plant “Tender” varieties on the last frost date or right after, others will need to wait a week or two. ...
t going to water each vegetable differently. However, it’s very helpful to understand which vegetables are water lovers and the critical times when vegetables need water to thrive. If you plant vegetables in separate beds as we do (or in separate crop fields), it’s critical to give ...
vegetables broccoli cabbage lettuce collard greens endive kale mustard greens peas spinach swiss chard beans arugula radishes leeks potatoes artichokes asparagus beets carrots celery scallions some herbs (parsley, sage, rosemary, mint oregano) flowers pansies violas peonies astilbe cranesbills (aka hardy ...
The cabbage, garlic several petals, the dry hot pepper 10-15, about the Chinese prickly ash 10 grains, the aged vinegar, always pull out, the sugar, the salt, the chicken fine little. [translate] a셀렉트박스 它将计数, [leyk) [星期四)箱子 [translate] aless optimal 较不优选 ...
Will cabbage come back every year? ANSWER:Cabbage plants do not come back year after year, as it is considered an annual plant, however, cabbage may actually be a biennial if treated properly. When harvesting, leave just enough of the bottom leaves behind to keep the plant alive to support...
He says a weed is just a plant growing in the wrong place. Even a tomato plant can become a weed if it grows where you don't want it to. The problems with weeds Besides being unwanted, what else do weeds do to a garden? Well, weeds can bring many problems. One problem is this:...