41 But they encountered a patch of crosscurrents[ec] and ran the ship aground; the bow stuck fast and could not be moved, but the stern was being broken up by the force[ed] of the waves. 42 Now the soldiers’ plan was to kill the prisoners[ee] so that none of them would escape...
Holy Bible. Instead, those participating in the Eastern Orthodox Church begin the Lenten season (Great Lent) forty days before Palm Sunday, which would be the Monday before Ash Wednesday of the Catholic religion. The actual day of “Ash Wednesday” is not observed in the Eastern Orthodox ...
We do this deal and release terrorists, some of whom were the architects behind the buys bombings during the intifada, and all of a sudden, we’re back to busses blowing up. I can’t imagine anyone believing that that’s a coincidence.All of this was supposed to go down during rush h...
In Orthodox Churches which celebrate Christmas on 7th January, Advent start on 28th November! During Advent many people fast (don't eat certain foods). The types of food people give up depends on their church tradition and where in the world they live. After Christmas - The 12 Days of Chr...
I told X since we have zero connection to this JP and he might not even show up, maybe we should consider just finding a Greek Orthodox priest to marry us. X is working on that today. Yikes. The only problem is that Greek Orthodox weddings last like three days. We did get a cake ...
But those immigrant ties haveprotectedthe Orthodox Church from that, and those immigrant ties are not going to last forever. My concern is less with how do we make the Orthodox Church more American; my concern is how do we stop it from becoming too American too fast and becoming some weird...
Land Still to Be Taken - When Joshua was very old, the LORD said to him, “Joshua, you have grown old, but there is still much land for you to ·take
Q: I see “drastically” used in this way more and more: “We call on NYPD to drastically increase police visibility in Orthodox communities” (from a Dec. 27, 2019, tweet by the NYC Jewish Caucus). Doesn’t “drastic” have negative connotations? Wouldn’t “dramatically” or “...
‘The Book of Eight Tones’) is a liturgical book used in the Eastern Orthodox Church which includes services with specific hymns in eight tones that are chanted from the end of the Pentecostarion season to the first day of the Great Fast (the 40-day fasting season before Orthodox Easter)...
Since we had three full days to explore the area, we decided to do the hiking tour on our first day to learn the history of the area and get a local’s perspective on the culture. But first, we walked to the center of town to Palladinios, the Greek taverna run by Niki’s husband...