The extreme hormonal changes women go through during pregnancy can have a huge impact on taste and smell. (This would help explain why women going through menopause may also experience strong food cravings and aversions.) But the bottom line is that no one knows for sure. One thing we do ...
As you’ve probably guessed, food cravings during pregnancy are highly individual. Some women’s cravings may run the gamut from sweet to savory and other women may have no cravings during pregnancy. You may not be adding sardines to your pistachio ice cream with hot fudge like Lucille Ball,...
Food cravings can happen any time during pregnancy. Cravings that coincide with food aversions are likely to start in the first trimester when your hormone levels ramp up, notes Lew. And while you may want French fries up until the day you deliver, generally speaking, pregnancy cravings tend t...
You may experience varying food cravings (such as for salt, spicy, or sweet foods) during pregnancy, as each expectant mom is unique. Or you might find yourself repulsed by a smell or flavor you loved a few months earlier. Read on to learn more about this common pregnancy phenomenon. Wha...
How to deal with pregnancy cravings First of all, craving particular foods while pregnant is totally normal and usually nothing to worry about (unless you’re craving things that aren’t food, in which case you need to mention it to your doctor; it could be a condition calledpica). In fa...
You should feel your baby's first movements, called "quickening," between weeks 16 and 25 of your pregnancy. If this is your first pregnancy, you may not feel your baby move until closer to 25-30 weeks. By the second pregnancy, some women start to feel movements as early as 13 weeks...
Knowing what to eat during pregnancy—especially when you're not hungry or nauseous—can be challenging, but experts say antenatal diets are more about how you eat than anything. Learn which foods and eating strategies can help you have a healthier and m
While occasionally an old wives' tale shows some merit (women carrying girls may be more likely to havesevere nausea during pregnancy, for example), most have zero scientific basis. Even moms who feel sure they know the sex of their baby based on intuition are wrong half the time. ...
You also want to be careful not to gain too much weight during pregnancy and limit your junk food intake or foods that have no nutritional value. You do not want to use this time to eat everything in sight. The American Pregnancy Association says that many problems can arise if you put...
What to do about cravings during pregnancy Cravings are real, and you don’t have to resist them. A treat here and there (assuming it isn’t from the “foods to avoid” list) is perfectly fine, and not something to feel bad about. Instead, limit the portion sizes of the unhealthy foo...