Some breeds have been bred for specific kinds of hunt, e.g. pointing breeds (pointers) were bred from dogs that were able to stand quietly and maintain its position in the face of the animal's scent until the human counterpart reaches the place where the animal is hiding. In contrast, ...
Tovar, you said: “as James Baldwin put it in connection with the legacy of slavery and racism, “[they] do not know it and do not want to know it…it is not permissible that the authors of devastation should also be innocent. It is the innocence which constitutes the crime.” === ...
Known forthe red hourglass on their backs, black widow spiders might be some of the most notorious arachnids. Though they are venomous and will attack when threatened, black widows rarely bite humans. When they do, the bitesrarely ever cause severe symptoms, let alone death. You’ll usually ...
Most coyotes are afraid of people, so those living in cities have learned how to avoid being seen. Street-smart coyotes hunt for food between dusk and dawn, when few people are around. During the day, the animals rest in out-of-the-way spots. ”They ‘are trying to avoid people as ...
“Coyote is of the people.” Ardrun bent to pick a chestnut from the growing pile of food. “What better place to look than here?” I couldn’t argue with that, or maybe I just didn’t care to try. “I will howl like the North Wind when I go.” Sweat sheened the young warrio...