If you’rebreastfeeding, burp your baby each time he switches breasts. Some breastfed babies may not need to burp as often, as they may not swallow as much air. If your baby hasn’t burped after some time, go back to feeding. Not every baby burps every time you want them to burp....
Most babies can handle it and other fiery foods in your diet. But if your little one is gassy or colicky and gets diarrhea every time you sprinkle red pepper flakes over your pizza, cut back on the heat for a few weeks to see if that helps. 3/10 Peppermint, Parsley, and Sage ...
Signs of tummy trouble: Babies suffering from a gassy tummy or other gastrointestinal problems can become very upset. To make matters worse, a baby with colic often swallows air when they cry, contributing to the gas problem. You may notice that your colicky baby clenches their fingers, arches...
babies like to have rythmic touch…maybe even sing as you do this. pretty soon your little one will be sleeping. Now to get them to stay asleep through the night…Im still working on that one! :) I always bring mine to bed with me after she wakes the first time. I learned that ...
Reply healthnfitnessguy112567over a year ago Hi there, what is the difference between drinking milk for boys and for girls? I do not think I understand why. Could you explain a little more? Reply Guestover a year ago Breast feeding is always the best... ...