When did this happen? (dd.mm.yy hh:mm)26.04.21 12:01 Summarize your bugI purchased Titanfall 2 on Steam and it linked to my Origin account. the next morning I got an email claiming I was cheating at Apex Legends and that I am permanently banned. I have been playin...
the part of fc24 I enjoy the most is the menu grinds, doing constant player picks and exchanges. When I spend around an hour and a half doing them I get the message of “There was an error communicating with the Football Ultimate Team servers. Please try again.” I’ve looked...
“Our producer, Flood, and I looked at each other and I told Trent, ‘Well, you had the pop single for the record until you said ‘fuck’ in every line of the chorus.’ Trent started laughing and he said, ‘I know.’ He did it on purpose because he didn’t want, necessarily, t...
To prepare for this integration, we did a [major revamp](https://facebook.github.io/jest/blog/2016/09/01/jest-15.html) of Jest so if you heard bad things about it years ago, give it another try. + +Jest is a Node-based runner. This means that the tests always run in a ...
yellow and red stripes, 4 minarets columns of dark green marble from Temple of Diana at Ephesus, 8 red columns XXX from Temple of the Sun at XXX, prayer carpets of the prophet; saw, but did not have time to go up the Galata Tower. Sailed about four, cloudy, still the city looked ...
I did check that the data is persisted through restarts (app and device) and all but I don't know: it may very well be me. I'm reporting anyway in case it could help. Will try with files, then downgrade to v4. will spread data through a bunch of reducers and see. Owner rt2zz...
I'm getting error 0x9735 when trying to connect using AAD account. Local Account works fine.I have check with dsregcmd /status that both the client and...
“I’m quite positive that these guys didn’t really see the process of making the record from the same perspective that I did,” the producer recalled to Spin.“And I think that caused a lot of friction.” “I think Superunknown had more tension than some of the records because it wa...
I did it and the JVM crash is still reproducible. Author viktoriia-fomina commented Jan 24, 2023 Hi, when Hotspot JVM crashes it creates hs_err file. We need that (from Zulu) to understand the problem. Also it seems that the project you've mentioned may use JNI. Bugs are possible ...