Apparently, the two Tamil superstars were hesitant to share the same platform. "Even for Ilayaraja whom both Rajniji and Kamalji revere, they were not willing to come together on the same platform to honour him," says an insider. It was a call to each from Amitabh Bachchan that did the...
When was the Tamil calendar started? When did Daoism come to China? Does Nepal follow a lunar calendar? When was Benozzo Gozzoli born? When was the goddess Isis born? How do Indigenous people celebrate a new moon? How does the Gregorian calendar determine leap years?
a这个不参加活动 This does not participate in the activity[translate] a承检机构如因仪器设备故障、人员紧张、工作量过大或自身检测手段问题无法完成委托检验时应说明情况,协商解决,不得无故推托或延误分析。 If when receives examines the organization the instrumentation equipment breakdown, the personnel intense...
Even in English, people confuse O (oh) with 0 (zero). And then, part of Cyrillic looks exactly like Latin, and a part of Latin could pretend it’s Greek. You can spell your out-of-office message “ОΟO” in a creative way like I just did, where one letter is Latin, one Greek...
. Had it been left to the Civil courts in this country, it would have taken many more decades to gain acceptance that Indian Men can also do domestic chores and cooking.. even bigger challenge being the moms of these Indian men btw [Insert laughter] . So the pandemic did something good...
–If not used immediately, shawarma cones should be stored in freezers or chillers. –The meat on the cone should be cooked thoroughly; all burners must be operational. –Meat sliced from the cone should undergo secondary cooking by baking or grilling before serving. ...
aTom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a mess and disorder! 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] a很谢谢你的热情!相信你会是一个值得交的好朋友。期待你的到来 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] aDear Reader, [translate] a最后,基于上述理论和实证...
Did you know that SJ is mentioned in this article? A cryptic clue: SJ is a member of “the SS.” As for anonymity, I think that is justifiable only when you are living in an authoritarian, repressive state and what you write can put your life or freedom in danger. We do...
C: What time did you start then?A: Oh, about 10:30 I think. Got here about 1:30. so it’s only…what …three hours. Very quick.C: Very good. Douglas came up by plane!A: Oh, how fancy! Well, this was …er…this was a nice train, you know, very modern and comfortable. ...
Even in the video, it is quite clear that she was not happy with the fact that she was stopped by the officer. It looks like she was not ready to turn her car around and wanted to proceed the way she wanted. The home guard did raise this issue and filed a complaint against the ...