5. Picture where wearing this garment would be useful. In other words, where would you wear this article of clothing? You might find garments outside your typical, everyday fashion preferences such as party dresses or vintage pant suits. It can be tempting to buy it after loving how i...
1 INT -- CABIN -- NIGHT (1946) A dark, empty room. The door bursts open. A MAN and WOMAN enter, drunk and giggling, horny as hell. No sooner is the door shut than they're all over each other, ripping at clothes, pawing at flesh, mouths locked together. He gropes for a lamp,...
but I decided that JULY would REALLY be the month, because it was still a 31-day month, and it was also the last month of the416k Women’s Run, so it would be a good way to ensure that I finished. And did I procrastinate to the extent that I needed to run 10k the night of ...
Did something happen to Da-Song when he was in first grade? Yon-Kyo yelps loudly! She quickly covers her mouth. Her hands start shaking. KI-JUNG (CONT’D) I feel a bit cautious about bringing this up -- it’s the first day after all -- but I’ll need to know what happened...