How old was Voltaire when he wrote Candide? What nationality was James Joyce? How old is the boy in Araby? How old is Eliza Doolittle in Pygmalion? How old was Willa Cather when she graduated high school? How old was Tolstoy when he wrote War and Peace?
What year did Euripides write "Medea"? How old is Telemachus in the Odyssey? Where was "Oedipus Rex" published? How old is Balthasar in Romeo and Juliet? How old is Dorine in "Tartuffe"? How old was Shakespeare when he died? How old was Sylvia Plath when she wrote Daddy?
Frederick Douglass wrote his narrative,Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, when he was 27 years old. The book was published in 1845. At the... Learn more about this topic: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass | Overview & Quotes ...