By the time Titanic was conceived, sea travel was immersed in major shifts that emboldened naval architects to dream bigger. White Star’s Titanic was designed to up the ante in the marketing wars between major shippers. The jumbo, triple-propeller steamer was the world’s largest manmade mov...
Jet lag. The feeling of being tired and slightly confused of the along planner eesp after traveling between place that have a time difference of the Harvard. Listen to the dialogue and pay attention to the background Information and the opening part of it then complaint. Their job, their co...
The Titanic leaving Queenstown with Mrs Rice and her 5 sons on board. Titanic Historical Society Eye Witness Account There is an eyewitness account from another 3rd class passenger who did survive the sinking of the Titanic and who saw Margaret Rice on board ship tha...
Sophie Turnerin the Grease reenactment was UH-mazing! I loved that she played Sandy and her version of “Cha-Cha.” Also, I’m just going to throw this out there: The character “Cha-Cha” in the film is categorized as a student. Did you know that? Because all I see is a grown...
A new study says we may only have another 1.45 billion years to enjoy the dynamic action of Earth’s geologic engine.
No one made more of the small screen than this dirt-poor son of Jewish immigrants whose sense of glitz, glam and story spanned 'Charlie's Angels,' 'The Love Boat' and 'Dynasty' (ABC was nicknamed "Aaron's Broadcasting Company") and is recalled
In another harbinger of the future, Billy Mitchell demonstrated the ability of aircraft to sink a battleship. A novelty of that year was the first demonstration of a radio controlled driverless automobile. Regular air mail between New York and San Francisco was established. As we in our ...