【单选题】When did the Watergate scandal happen? A、June 16, 1971 B、July 16, 1972 C、June 17, 1972 D、July 17, 1972 点击查看答案 第8题 【单选题】When did 911 terrorist attacks happen? A、In 2000 B、In 2001 C、In 2002 D、In 2003 点击查看答案 第9题 【单选题】When did World...
The hardest truth, I think, is this: 88.3 million Americans who were eligible to vote…didn’t. Put another way, of those who had the right and privilege to participate in their own governance, 36% did not…eithercould notvote for some reason, or could not be bothered to. That’s mor...
Kansas, were constructed at various outposts throughout the U.S. A third of the world's population was infected, and at least 50 million died (675,000 in the U.S. alone)—making the Spanish flu among thedeadliest outbreaks in human history. This iconic ...
In Middle School, though I could walk to school and often did, I usually rode in with my school bus-driving mother (bus drivers get to work REALLY early) so that I could maximize my time walking the halls and socializing before classes began. Middle School actually included a pretty rough...
Judge Michel rightly said that the patent system has become the domain of propagandists, “narrative” builders and spin artists, and not experts. For example, we hear these patent propagandists scream “God save us from patent trolls!” But, did anyone ever ask where the term “patent troll...
Congress will hold Watergate-style hearings and ask secret-keepers, "What did you know and when did you know it?" The first decade A.D. (After Disclosure) will be like a high-tech 1960s, spawning massive cultural and societal change. ...