ON WHEN WE CAN LEAVE IRAQ.A poem by Calvin Trillin, entitled "On When We Can Leave Iraq," is presented. First Line: Conditions on the ground, Bush says, will show; Last Line: Since these conditions go from bad to worse.TRILLINCALVINNation...
•September 27, 2012 •Leave a Comment I waited all moning for the Iranian leader to address the U.N. Also, waiting for the Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, my hero, to speak. This man is remarkable to me. His presence enlists trust and strength of character and willpower. I can...
My Grandfather had to leave school at the age of 14, as his father told him that the family needed him to earn money to help support them. My grandfather said that this was the greatest disappointment in his life as he loved school, but, he did as requested and started to work over ...
69. Why does the tracking system set a 100-metre minimum before sending an alarm to the operations centre?A. To give the driver time to contact the operations centre.B. To allow for possible errors in the GPS system.C. To keep police informed of the car's movements.D. To leave time...
I did contact the police about my experience. But it was like they weren't even interested. When I made a complaint about my wife, I was laughed at by the officer that came around. I think men are more reticent to come forward because they won't be believed. ...
It has also been regularly used to take up employment in the private sector, including sometimes with PMCs. In one known case in the Defence Forces, after the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, one young Irish officer used his leave to travel to the country for ...
Everyone did the same. The third time he said, “Screw it!” and just kept driving. It was completely quiet for the rest of the evening once we were picked up. Then there is the story of Shalev, a young mother of a toddler and newborn who was driving on the freeway when the ...
and the shrapnel damage. The most traumatic thing I did was work in the hospital helping to fix the IT systems atCamp Bastion[a well-fortified British-run base in the desert, in southern Afghanistan, the size of Reading], seeing people rushed in in a bad way. I...
NSA has been using this technique, dubbed “The Find”, ever since September 2004. This technique was used in Iraq. It helped identify “thousands of new targets, including members of a burgeoning al-Qaeda-sponsored insurgency in Iraq,” according to a special operation officer interviewed by ...
Yeah, he did. And that was different. It was different because we were in a long cold war. Yes, he was buying into enemy propaganda, part of it being because he was a man of his time, and he didn’t see the problems inherent in central control (of anything, really) and part of...