"The Phoenicians - Who, Where, When, Why, and Where Did They Go?" is the title of an illustrated lecture by Robin Hammond, as well as "Napoleon's Egypt and the Empire Style" by Patricia Weckesser, at The Egyptian Society of South Africa on Tuesday at 7.30pm at St George's Grammar...
Their highly colored descriptions of this great beast may well have been founded on a variety of creatures they knew or had heard about: the sperm whale, which the Phoenicians hunted; the Egyptian crocodile, whose range at that time extended to Palestine; the African python, rumors of which ...
³What did it mean to beRoman and live in Africa?The extentto which Africa was‘Romanized’from the second century BCE on-wards is still subjecttoadebate overshadowed by the colonial past of Libya,Tunisiaand Algeria. In these countries as well as inFrance, nineteenth- and twentieth-cen-...