When was the Murray River discovered? Who named Pangea? When were the Southern Alps formed? When did the Mesozoic Era end? How long did Pangea exist? Is Pangea a theory? When was the Amazon River formed? When was the first ice age? When was the Antarctic Ocean renamed? When was the ...
When did oceans first appear on the geological time scale? When did the supercontinent Pangea form? An ocean trench forms when When did the supercontinent Pangaea form? Where does the lithosphere of the Atlantic Ocean form? When does the thermocline occur in lakes?
When was the rock cycle discovered? When were the first soft-bodied fossils found? When were the Rocky Mountains discovered? Who discovered divergent evolution? When was the geological time scale developed? When did the supercontinent Pangea form? When was ocean acidification discovered? When was th...
When was Pangea discovered? When did James Hutton discover uniformitarianism? When was the Chicxulub crater discovered? When was the Ogallala Aquifer discovered? When was the Yangtze River discovered? When was the rock cycle discovered? When were volcanoes discovered?
When did the Little Ice Age begin? When was the first ice age? When was the Paleozoic era? When is hurricane season in the Hawaiian Islands? When did the Mesozoic Era end? When did Pangea break apart? When were the Blue Mountains formed?
When did Beringia exist? When was the Pleistocene? How was Pangea discovered? When were the Southern Alps formed? When have ice ages occurred? When was the Great Rift Valley formed? When was the hole in the ozone layer discovered? When was Victoria Falls discovered? When was Rift Valley fev...
When was the water cycle discovered? When was stratigraphy invented? When was Iceland formed geologically? Who discovered Kaieteur Falls? When was the Nevadan orogeny? When was the Yangtze River discovered? When did Beringia exist? When was the Murray River discovered? When did the Laramide orog...