such as the gas station and the word-salad sub sandwich place, were cleared of the public patrons and staffed up with actors, who actually had lines.
Research using the integrated model of metacognition has suggested that the construct of metacognition could quantify the spectrum of activities that, if impaired, might cause many of the subjective disturbances found in psychosis. Research on social cog
Research using the integrated model of metacognition has suggested that the construct of metacognition could quantify the spectrum of activities that, if impaired, might cause many of the subjective disturbances found in psychosis. Research on social cognition and mentalizing in psychosis, however, has ...
aLet me then remind ourselves, that when Wittgenstein was warning against mentalist language, he was doing this out of a concern about the possible circularity of the resulting definitions. It can be shown, however, that the danger of circularity is obviated if one refrains from comparisons ...
I dreamed I couldn’t wake up. I was fighting, clawing at my eyes, trying to get them to open and they wouldn’t. I could hear everything around me but I couldn’t do anything.