10. It is legally(adv.合法地;法律上)possible for an elderly(adj.上了年纪的;过了中年的;稍老的)person tonominate(vt.推荐;提名;任命;指定)someone to act for them, should they become incapable(没有能力的)of looking after themselves. 在法律上,如果一个老...
4. The ship deviated from(偏离)the agreed voyage(航线) and arrived about 10 days late and in the meantime(与此同时) the price of sugar(糖) had fallen(v. 落下;跌倒) and the merchants(商人) lost over $4000. 船偏离同意航行并且迟到了10天左右,在此期间糖的价格下降,商人损失了超过4000美元 ...
Whether the capture is part of some trusted application or module of the OS itself, especially if those become commonplace in the context of AI-driven tools. (For instance, Windows Recall.) Appendix III: Q&A "What if the browser is running fully under remote admin? (CRD or Citrix, for in...
Young children engage with digital technologies from a very young age. Often this is considered detrimental to their social development as it is seen as a
The group also experimented with signaling lights for the deaf and with ways of using braille (盲文) for the blind. These types of issues are easy enough to address. Now is the time to make space accessible — before space tourism or space settlements become commonplace. “I am so proud ...
992 views 0 members are here Microcontroller (MCU) This discussion has been locked. You can no longer post new replies to this discussion. If you have a question you can start a new discussion When did ISP become commonplace? Andy Neilover 14 years ago ...
Jennifer:But she says that could change as voice activated devices become more and more commonplace. Judith:And we've been trying to find out if kids have similar kinds of intuitions about the devices as they do about the internet in general but we are seeing similar patterns with young chi...
To me, if Clicktale really did copy Crazy Egg, that’s the dumbest they could have done. Even if Crazy Egg’s design converts brass into gold… copying it word-for-word is stupid for two reasons: First, people WILL find out. And when they do, articles like this one will be publishe...
When our high school graduation, age generally also small, the society reviews in succession the insufficiency 相关内容 ashopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need. 购物在互联网成为了一普遍在我们的生活中。 他们需要的消费者能...
” Now that I’ve done more hardware I’m like, “that dude is cool.” However, what is more impressive about his project is that he did the whole toolchain, assembler, C compiler, linker, loader, VM, minix port. He really sought to understand the whole hardware/software stack, and ...