D.Thetargetof100%renewablesistoohightoreach. D 语篇类型:说明文 主题语境:人与社会 词数:349 难度:★★★ (2022·江苏省常州市北郊高级中学高一上阶段测试)Journalistsarethemajorgroupofpeoplewho maketheirlivingfrom writing.Manyyoungpeoplewhoseethemselvesasfuturenovelistschoose journalismasawayofearningaliving...
You use your legs to push the pedals. Your energy is transferred (转移) to the bike. That makes the bike move. Now imagine riding your bike to create enough power to run a computer. Some students at one school did just that! They jumped on bikes connected to generators (发 电机) and...
C. did quit D. have quit 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 80. I don’t suppose it’s right to support your kid when he / she ___ ___ ___(犯错误). 81. The astronaut ___ ___ ___(接受挑战) and cycled the 250-mile road alone. 82. 要求志愿者组织大型社会活动。有经验者优先。
aOxford University dates back to the Middle Ages (1200 to 1500) when the subjects of religion, medicine and law was the basis for all studies, and a degree was held in high regard. 牛津大学建于中世纪(1200年到1500年),当宗教、医学和法律主题是为所有研究的依据,并且程度在极其尊重举行了。[tra...
【1】When did the man start drawingA.Five years ago. B.When he was five years old. C.Six years ago.【2】How does the woman feel about the man’s artA.She thinks it is great. B.She is too shy to tell him. C.She likes his photography the most. 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目:...
But, did you know how butterflies become the flying insects? It’s one of the amazing wonders of nature. In the beginning, female butterflies lay a small and colorful egg on a leaf or stem (茎) of a plant. It’s hard to believe that the egg will become something completely different...
When did the Great Trek start? When was the charter of the United Nations signed? When did the Great Society start? When was the United Nations Charter signed? When did Pytheas start sailing? When was the Charter of the United Nations adopted?
When the #StopWillow campaign did not stop the drilling project in Alaska, she worried it might lead to apathy among young people, but followers told her that her videos inspired readers to pursue a career in environmentalism. “There have been times where I’ve been very anxious of ...
When did the English aristocracy end? When was Victorian England? When did the British Empire begin? When was the United Kingdom founded? When did the aristocracy fall in France? When was England founded? When did aristocracy start in Greece? When was the Royal Irish Constabulary formed? When...
In Europe,the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as a sunshade.And the umbrella was in common use in ancient Greece.But it is believed that the first persons in Europe to use the umbrella as protection against the rain were the ancient Romans.During the Middle Ages,the use of ...