Different suggestions above do seem to solve the issue for a bit, but it always will come back. I'm running the latest version of Premiere (15.2.0), the latest Nvidia Drivers 462.65 Studio Version, and it keeps happening. Premiere seems much less stable in genera...
You have to push it down and pull out again, you have to pull vertically out the slot because a connector this long is very unforgiving. Having the system lay on its side also helps Sorry for not understanding well but did you want ...
1) Turning on DX12 may eliminate the penalty. 2) The penalty size increases as the frame rate rises. Got that? Good. We're throwing it out the window. Hitman (2016) Hitman wasn't listed as an impacted title, but I took it for a spin anyway. I'm glad I did. It provided a...
Others were not so lucky, a replacement CPU did not make the situation better. Batches from different factories as well etc etc My new CPU has hard locked but not when IDLE like the last one (not yet anyway). Mine can lock when under full load, video transcoding, but not...
Man this could've saved me a lot of time since joining the forum. And somehow it never worked for me in the past. Is it because i closed all the forum pages before getting back to my post? If someone did not use reason to reach their conclusion in the first place, you cannot ...
Thank you for the quick help, that's really rad of you. I can't find that file anywhere, but when I saw your advice on the other thread, the first thing I did was reset my preferences. Would that have deleted the file? Where should I look for it? Votes...
i7 4.0 ghz Gtx1070 16g ram. My computer freezes up completely when I'm playing games (anything from HoTs to Tom Clancy Wildlands) and requires a hard reset in order to get any response (windows key doesn't work, caps lock does not register, curl+alt+del has no response). Here's a...
It didn't really launch the superhero genre in the way Arkham did though. There was a long drought of quality superhero games after Spider-Man 2. Arkham took inspiration from it, but epitomized batman so well, and it's helped inspire a big push for more superhero games tha...
Others were not so lucky, a replacement CPU did not make the situation better. Batches from different factories as well etc etc My new CPU has hard locked but not when IDLE like the last one (not yet anyway). Mine can lock when under full load, video transcoding, but...
Different suggestions above do seem to solve the issue for a bit, but it always will come back. I'm running the latest version of Premiere (15.2.0), the latest Nvidia Drivers 462.65 Studio Version, and it keeps happening. Premiere seems much less stable i...