When the First Homo sapiens Met Eagles: The Ancient Roots of Bonelli’s Eagle in the Mediterranean Bonelli’s eagles (Aquila fasciata) tolerate human presence better than larger competitors such as golden eagles (A. chrysaetos), enabling the former to inhabit relatively humanized ...
Over the last decade, the metacognitive abilities of nonhuman primates and the developmental emergence of metacognition in children have become topics of increasing research interest. In the current study, the performance of three adult chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes ; Experiment 1) and forty-four 3.5...
When early humans arrived in Europe around 45,000 years ago, they found Neanderthals (尼安德特人) already there. The interbreeding (杂交繁殖) between Homo sapiens (智人) and Neanderthals happened more often than scientists had assumed. That’s the conclusion of two new studies. ...
你现在是一位资深的英语老师,将英文文章翻译成中文,要求翻译中追求信达雅,翻译内容为:Weknowfromfossilrecordsthatthepopulationsofmanyanimalspeciesdeclinedsharplywhenhumansexpandedtheirrange.ThereisnodoubtthattheworldthatexistedfromtheemergenceofHomosapiensabout300由设计师熊猫办公用户(ID: 10012) 在2024-06-06完成设计...
When homo sapiens take the fruit of wisdom,God said, behold, the man is become as one of us. It is the karma for all human beings. Have a vision or perish. What is true Trinity? One becoming a god under infinite deus with great spirit. û收藏 转发 2 ñ1...
Sometimes I can't believe how far I've come from that day I arrived in England. I think everything that's happened has been because I'm committed. But anyone could do it. If you put in 100%, you'll get there. I'm just happy because I did a positive thing with my life. It ...
Barry Marshall not only did some of his work in secret, he continued to be blockaded even after he made his breakthrough. Marshall didn’t discover bacteria; he wasn’t trying convince colleagues of the importance of hand-washing; he did not develop antibiotics. All of that was part of an...
But nobody greeted the daughter and mother when they arrived, though the visit had been planned; nobody introduced them to the other residents. When they had lunch in the dining room, they sat alone at a table. [N] The daughter feared her mother would be ignored there, and so she ...
We may be Homo sapiens, but anaesthetists are merely apes when evaluating riskdoi:10.1016/j.bja.2018.07.022Aranake-Chrisinger A.Whitlock E.L.Avidan M.S.British Journal of Anaesthesia