Did God write the Bible? In my experience as a Catholic priest, one of the most commonly held accounts of biblical inspiration among Christians is that God “dictated” the Bible. According to this view, sometimes called the verbal dictation theory, God dictated each word of the sacred text ...
This was actually part of God’s mercy. He allowed them to kind of progress at the speed they were able to progress. They just weren’t there yet. And then finally in the gospel of John, in John chapter 12, we hear about how his disciples did not understand this at first, but ...
As mentioned above, the Christian Church decided to simplify calculating Easter’s date by always observing thespring equinoxon March 21, despite the fact that the equinox date changes over time and is actually getting earlier. This discrepancy between theastronomicalequinox date and the Church’sobs...
Canada’s residential school system operated from the late 1800s until the 1990s. It was part of a wider colonial project that aimed to take over Indigenous lands and forcibly assimilate First Nation, Metis and Inuit children. Various churches, including most notably the Roman Catholic Church, ra...
‘One can meet them sometimes in the Woody End. They don’t live in the Shire, but they wander into it in Spring and Autumn, out of their own lands away beyond the Tower Hills. I am thankful that they do! You did not see, but that Black Rider stopped just here and was actually ...
That is how the Catholic church helped create a feudal system. They also changed some texts. The Hindu system had a more caste-like system to reflect certain humans being closer to god. Certain religious groups (and cults) see themselves as ...
The Jews weren't supposed to intermarry with them, but they did. Think of it as similar to the whole Catholic vs. Protestant thing. Well, when Hasmonean King Hyrcanus destroyed a Samaritan temple on Mount Gerizim, it set interfaith relations back a bit. Ove...
The Jews weren't supposed to intermarry with them, but they did. Think of it as similar to the whole Catholic vs. Protestant thing. Well, when Hasmonean King Hyrcanus destroyed a Samaritan temple on Mount Gerizim, it set interfaith relations back a bit. Over...
but her husband had been killed in the war. So when she met Paul Jobs on that first date, she was primed to start a new life. Like many who lived through the war, they had experienced enough excitement that, when it was over, they desired simply to settle down, raise a family, and...
Actually, she was the youngest sibling so I’m guessing it was connected with having older siblings bossing her around all the time. However, nowadays, according to numerous studies, mostly in the UK, kids aspire to celebrity. It doesn’t seem to matter what field of study will lead to ...