When the population of cities hit several hundred thousand to a million, diseases could spread rapidly and create genuine epidemics. The fact that the Black Plague killed perhaps half the European population was an indication, ironically, of progress, because populations had reached critical mass for...
DAY THE BLACK DEATH HIT BACK; When the Bubonic Plague Returned to Glasgow, the World Held Its Breath. but a Brilliant Scots Doctor Stopped the Deadly Epidemic in Its Tracks
London, England In every life there is a turning point. A moment so tremendous, so sharp and clear that one feels as if one’s been hit in the chest, all the breath knocked out, and one knows, absolutelyknowswithout the merest hint of a shadow of a doubt that one’s life will neve...
sayth, that Tyffin her spirite did tell this examinate that shee had two spirites, the one of them like a blacke Dogge, and the other redde like a Lyon, and that their names were Suckin and Lyerd , and sayeth that Suckin did plague Byettes wife unto death, and the other plagued...
Sam Espensen, a spirits producer, used to feel pressured by matches, particularly when the other person is persistently pushing to meet up. She did say yes once, but then cancelled a few hours before the date. "My Spidey Sense was tingling and it turned out to be correct — the person ...
The descent was steep, over peat hags and tussocky grass, giving me jelly legs by the time we reached the track but we didn’t have to run to the stop as we did on our previous trip to Dalwhinnie. We travelled home gratis, courtesy of our old gits’ bus passes, and were home by...
Do you know what they don’t put in the “Welcome to Idaho” pamphlet? The fact that our state deals with plague more often than any of us would like to admit! Field and Stream explains that of the over 3,000 types of fleas known to man, there’s only a handful that are dan...
Which is how we started out as kids. No responsibility for the holiday. Moms and aunts did the manual labor. I even remember my grandmother burning the ends of the feathers off the bird, so near to nature were the turkeys in the days of yore. ...
I did move to my April/May Airbnb as planned, but Panama was, like, literally closed and I couldn’t go on. So I had to cancel the June-August reservation, and then as things continued the August-November reservation as well. (Panama was struggling. It’s not a huge amount better...
leaving us all a whole lot poorer and uncertain of just what lay ahead. At about the same time I learned about Peak Oil and it’s implications for an energy constrained future. I reacted as did many others. I began to stockpile the things I thought I would need to see my family thro...