Again, if someone has Secure Boot enabled, and did not whitelist a third party UEFI bootloader themselves, then they will expect the system to warn them in that third party bootloader fails Secure Boot validation, regardless of whether they did enrol a bootloader that chain loaded that third pa...
The reality is the vast majority of developers did not want to waste their time with it. This is not something people want to invest in. I myself found several bugs with it. AOT compilation is surely something that's needed and I am sure it will come in a form that is actually ...
While Resident Evil 4 did, it isn't a Nintendo property. It was originally a Nintendo exclusive, but it's not from Nintendo themselves. It's also not a recent example. I don't doubt that current developments aren't influenced by previous ones. Spider-Man 2 was indeed a...
Speaking of GRRM, I still think there ought to be a Wild Cards TV show. Preferably with music by the guy who did the Lois and Clark tv show.