When did Greece gain independence? Autonomous Rule: The Ottoman Empire was a vast imperial empire that ruled for nearly five centuries. Greece had been part of this empire since the 15th century. Eventually, the idea of nationalism spread, and Greece sought independence. ...
When did Serbia gain independence from Austria-Hungary? When did Croatia become an independent country? When was the German Civil War? When was the Second Congo War? When did Turkey enter WW1? When was the Yalta Conference held? When did Germany surrender in WW2?
Question: When did Austria-Hungary declare war on Serbia? World War I World War I was a costly war (in time and casualties) that came to involve the world's superpowers through what was a cascade of alliances, ultimately being set-off by the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinan...
Just like I did when I first started thinking about taking a year off to travel the world. Fighting For Optimism April 10, 2018 / Leave a comment The last few of weeks have been some of the most difficult (and rewarding) of the trip thus far. I have seen the impacts of war and ...
When did the Allied invasion of Italy begin? When did Crimea become part of Ukraine? When did the Ottoman Empire join the Central Powers? When did Serbia gain independence? When did Germany withdraw from the League of Nations? When did Mongolia join the United Nations?
When did Serbia gain independence? When did the U.S. get involved in the Holocaust? When was the term holocaust first used? When did the Rohingya genocide start? When was the Wilmington Insurrection? When was the Holocaust discovered?
When did Serbia gain independence? When did Antigua and Barbuda gain independence? When did Angola gain independence? When did Ukraine gain independence? When did Mexico declare independence? When did Argentina gain independence? When did Mauritius gain independence?
When did Georgia become part of the Russian Empire? When did the Carolingians take over the Frankish Empire? When did the Russian Empire begin? When did France declare war on Austria? When did Serbia gain independence? When did Austria become a country?
When did the Magyars invade Europe? When did the Austro-Prussian War begin? When did Zambia gain independence? When did Napoleon invade Russia? When did Serbia gain independence from Austria-Hungary? When did Austria join NATO? When did Russia declare war on Austria-Hungary?
When did Benin gain independence? When did Italy leave the League of Nations? When did Mexico gain independence from France? When did Maghreb gain independence? When did Japan gain independence? When did Estonia gain independence? When did Serbia gain independence? When did Russia gain its indepen...