When did Sophie Germain die? M. LeBlanc: As a woman, Sophie Germain could not attend classes at the Ecole Polytechnic in Paris. She had to get notes from other students so that she could study them. She pretended to be a student named M. LeBlanc so that she could correspond with one ...
When did Voltaire die?Question:When did Voltaire die?Voltaire:Voltaire was one of the most important thinkers of the Enlightenment. He wrote works of philosophy and fiction that were extremely influential throughout Europe and America.Answer and Explanation: Become...
(Schumann called them “Sphynxes”) — Dmitry Shostakovich had DSCH, Joachim encoded the name of his beloved (Gisela — G#EA) in many of his compositions. “Die Tonkunst” — the musical art — is full of such arcana: the Mannerists (it’s now called Ars Subtilior — the subtle art...
The “wildcat strike” against the poor working conditions of the bike couriers of the delivery service Gorilla at the beginning of 2021 ended in numerous dismissals by the employer. The trade unions did not support the strike, so that participation in t
on any desire expressed by the composer himself; on the contrary, Beethoven, Brahms, Tchaikovsky as well as all of their contemporaries, knew very well that their symphonies would be performed with interruptions; they knew there would be applause between the numbers, and they did not mind it....
The reality is this, do not have to deceive oneself, do not have to take oneself did not know the regard excuse, this all is useless.What course to follow should understand clearly that, perhaps own does not give up is the final chief criminal, finally disappointed is own.Perhaps actually...
The first message-only models did not detect messaging effects on compliance, but compliance was marginally lower in the statistical victim messages than the identifiable victim messages, β = −0.11, F(1,242) = 3.13, p = 0.07. The other model found that perceived threat was slightly lower...
When was Gustav Mahler born, and when did he die? When was Gioachino Rossini born? When did postmodernism start? Why did Neoclassicism music start? When did the Baroque period end? When was Felix Mendelssohn born? When was Robert Schumann born? When was Mozart knighted? When was the musical...
When did Clara Schumann die? When did Martha Washington die? When did Flora Sandes die? When did Willem Janszoon die? When did Emily Bronte die? When did Rachel Carson die? When did Samuel Morse's wife die? When did Jane Addams die? When did Elizabeth of York die? When did Elijah Mc...
When did Pablo Neruda get married? When did Chaucer die? When was Pablo Neruda born? When did Richard Wright start writing? When did Mark Twain start writing? When did Countee Cullen released his first poem? When did Clara Schumann start composing? When did J.R.R. Tolkien first start writ...