aThe time is long past when we can speak of the purity of science, divorced from its consequences. If any needed revinding that the innocence of scientists was lost long ago, they need only recall the comments of a father of the atomic bomb: he sade:"The physicists have known sin; and...
from his development inStone Sourto seeingSlipknotplay their very first show and, later on, being invited to join the band. So, what did the singer think when he watched Slipknot's first-ever performance?
suggests thatensuring everyone is connecting is a paramount priority for managers during these check-ins, which may also cover much more than work. Barsade suggests that open-ended questions like, "Who did something fun this weekend they want to share?"...
Avoiding the stagnation trap and the graveyard for ideas that did not gain traction requires a large cohort of committed proponents, substantial funding and a process for building the knowledge bank guided by principles that frame pursuit of robust workable outcomes for complex problems, especially eli...
For years, itwasthat. Then there was a sudden flurry of interest in Shirley Jackson. A new biography has just come out (2016) and we are being treated topreviously unknown storiesand writings. Where did they come from? According to her children, Laurence Jackson Hyman and Sarah Hyman Stewar...
Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him. —Sun Tzu 6 Let not your zeal to share your principles entice you beyond your borders. —Marquis De Sade 6 Love was also an easy word, used carelessly. Felons and creeps could offer it coated in sugar, and users coul...
On this night, solos were handled by Lionel Richie, Harry Belafonte, Sheena Easton, Dionne Warwick, Melissa Manchester, Kenny Loggins and Patti LaBelle (who did her best to dominate the mic).If you’re a new Best Classic Bands reader, we’d be grateful if you would Like our Facebook ...
BothDaft Punk, Quincy Jones, Chaka Khan, Sade.. What if it could be anyone, dead or alive? MajidI have feelings about like putting out music that belongs to other people without their knowledge that it’s coming out.. Butifyou could andifthey were still here?
We knew if we did the surgery, at best he was facing a painful road of recovery when he was already showing signs of arthritis and hip dysplasia. At worst, he would have cancer and he would die opened up on the cold surgery table away from us. ...