Now we come back into _sendReinvite() without my holdUnHoldRequest true So it goes to getUserMedia but i has no mediaConstraints so we're back to the original error of TypeError, constraints requests no media types. So in sendReinvite ive said the rtcOfferConstraints to the files _rtcOffer...
[WARN] No packet received on substream 1 for a while, falling back to 0 Detaching handle from JANUS VideoRoom plugin; 0x7f3ab8098760 0x7f3ab81293e0 0x7f3ab8098760 0x7f3ab831cdf0 [janus.plugin.videoroom-0x7f3ab81293e0] No WebRTC media anymore; 0x7f3ab8098760 0x7f3ab831cdf0 [696773710...
audio, and data communication without plugins. It’s used to allow real-time video and audio communication inside web pages. While still a relatively new protocol, WebRTC has gained the support of major players in the industry, such as Microsoft...
yes it Delfi but i did already everting [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\mrxsmb\Parameters] "MultiUserEnabled"=dword:00000001and the error still commingevery few min :(the problem only at win 10 Monday, January 27, 2020 2:23 PM"no its C# software" - can you post the...
CLEARRTC Beginner 12-05-2022 05:25 PM 13,816 Views I am able to run Fortnite in DX11 mode but DX12 mode is what crashes it when either just loading Fortnite or loading into a match. This behavior is since the latest update to Fortnite, prior to that DX11 mode did ...
Did a clean install of Catalina, which at first seemed to solve the issue. No crashes for three or four days, but yesterday the issue came up again, and is now happening constantly, every time my MBP goes to sleep. I would be really grateful for any further suggestions. ...
We have been using this version as the traditional MSI installer has been auto updating and kicking our users out of the VDI. Also has this been confirmed with Microsoft? Where did you see the update that this will be released in November?...
or even while I was standing in the middle of an empty soccer pitch. But I did experience a couple of instances where the software on Double seemed to lock up and I no longer could move. After logging out of the software for about five minutes, I was able to regain ...
If you did not already have a history of having the mainboard (containing the graphics chip) changed, that would be my recommendation. Since Apple repairs come with a 90 day warranty, return to the place that made the repair, and ask them to "make it right". Reply User profile for...
Did you ever find a solution to this? I'm still having this issue.Thursday, September 28, 2017 11:59 AM | 1 voteTry opening chrome from the task bar, close the default apps screen then right click the chrome icon and select the chrome in the field that appears; obviously this will ...